
Showing posts from March, 2017

Enjoy the Journey

A man visited a Sufi Guru. On entering the Guru’s room the visitor felt uncomfortable as there was no chair for him to sit. Visitor: You could have a chair at least. Guru: Where is your chair? Visitor: My Chair? I am journeying Guru: So am I. We are all journeying. “Life is a journey and not a destination” are the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The beauty of this journey is that it has no destination. The problem of having a destination while journeying is we get fixated on it and ‘the moments’ loose their significance whereas to journey without destination is to enjoy the vitality of each moment.   Live in the moment is what I would urge my readers to adhere to. You may either look back, brood on your past and loose your spontaneity in life, to put it in biblical rhetoric, become a pillar of salt (Gen 19: 26) or you could be anxious about future and make life chaotic. In both the cases you are compromising on the veracity of this journey. How conveniently we ha

World without Mothers

World without Her Without Her, He would not be He. What kind of world would it be? A world without her weakness and strength; a world without her naivety and prudence; a world without her tears and laughter; a world without her impulse and maturity; a world without her chide and love. Imagine... A World without Mothers!!! Each woman is a mother because of the sanctity of her womb, the very womb which God chose to become Human. Biblically, the first woman was named Eve. Eve means “The Mother of all who have life” . This makes it implicit that she is indeed the source of our existence. For a woman to become a mother should she give birth? If so how did Mary become the mother of John? How did Pharaoh’s daughter become the mother of Moses?  How did Ramakrishna Paramahansa’s wife Sarada become his mother? How did the sisters of Cappadocian Fathers become their mothers? Motherhood is something that is acquired rather than inherited. It is a divine virtue that every woman

Jesus Meets Jesus

One fine day, off-the-wall, trees blossomed, birds chirped like never before, wind blew bearing the aroma of flowers, the Sky poured out his love through the clouds and the Earth drenched in it, spread her fragrance all throughout. The entire cosmos (except humans) stood in awe on seeing its Creator, Creativity and Animator. Jesus him we call. The True Human. Following is a conversation between Jesus of Christianity and Jesus of Nazareth. Both meet vis-à-vis on the Street.   (Jesus of Christianity and Jesus of Nazareth is abbreviated as JOC and JON respectively) JOC : Who are you? Where do you come from? JON : I am Jesus. Nazareth is my town. And you? JOC : (Surprised) Alas!! So you are Jesus of Nazareth. I have been yearning to meet you. Hmm…Well I too am Jesus, Jesus of Christianity. I am the product of the dogmatic and doctrinal slumber of your bride, The Church. JON : Slumber? (perpexled) I thought she had awakened by my life, death and resurrect

To err is Human but to forgive is Divine

My Fast My Way Who decides my mode of fasting? My religion, Church, Society or me? Isn’t the core of these rituals or any ritual for that matter, to make humans recover the fragrance of humanity? Then why aren’t we respecting the autonomy of humans? This Lenten season I urge my readers to foster their own eccentricities no matter however foolish it may seem to be. Choose your mode of fasting by asking just one question to you and you alone. “Does this help me make a better person?” This reminiscence me Castaneda’s beautiful thought; “Any path is only a path and there is no affront to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you. Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think it necessary. Then ask yourself and yourself alone, one question. Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t, it is of no use.” I have friends who have resorted to various kinds of fast viz, Carbon Fast, Cyber