Tribute to the Mediators of Wisdom

There was once a boy who had a great appetite. His father was not financially able to satisfy his craving for food thus the boy was sent to work in a warehouse to earn for himself. The boy ended up in the warehouse sticking labels on bottles and burning the mid-night oil writing short stories. Very early he could identify his niche for writing and started posting publishers his short stories with the intention of getting at least one published. Never did the response knock his door. Though disappointed, the boy engaged in writing and posting implicit in hope. Eventually there was a response. His story was selected but there was no remuneration instead there was a note which read “Well done. Keep writing.” That gave him the impetus to write more passionately. He grew up to become one of the greatest English writers who has produced some of the world’s best known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. He is none other than Charl...