
Showing posts from January, 2019

Prophet: A Dangerous Vocation

(A painting created during the Prophetic Resistance Summit by The Sanctuaries, a community of artists whose mission is to ignite the sacred power of the arts for social change.) Prophets are the ones who dare to dream; who have the nerve to imagine the alternative belittling the price they might need to pay for it. Since prophets are the spokespersons of God, speaking truth to power becomes their ethical mandate. For a prophet, preaching and praxis go hand in hand. Defining prophets as future-tellers is a kind of reductionism that nullifies the gravity of the vocation. The Future infringes the Present and thus Prophets are those who are all the more concerned about the perils of the Present for the sake of a renewed Future.   Eric D. Barreto opines; Prophets are not prognosticators guessing at what the future holds. Prophets look at the world as it is and imagine its transformation through a God-infused imagination…The prophet does not guess what’s next. The prophet does