Dare to be doors

Christianity was born when a carpenter showed the nerve to challenge the then status quo by transcending the boundaries which hindered the human – human relations thereby human – God relation. He set forth with his chisel and hammer to shape the world which had been deformed by the sinfulness of the people. It was an attempt to make people encounter the truth which would eventually set them free and make their worship more profound. But then since the nature to be enslaved to someone or something was innate in us we crucified him and started venerating the cross. The beautiful Jesus movement lost its beauty and fragrance when it was relegated into a religion which brought along with it dogmas, doctrines, laws, structure, hierarchy and so on and so forth. Steve Weinberg claims, “There are only two kinds of people; good and bad. While without religion good people would do good things and bad people bad things, only religion can make good people do bad things.” We are all a...