Thursdays in Black: A Contemplation on the Menace of Racism

Yet another Thursday has breached the week. “Thursdays in Black” is a campaign of solidarity and advocacy against all forms of sexual and gender based violence. The precise history could be accessed in the link below. Violence on the grounds of sex and gender are proliferating all over the world. India in no way could shy away from this ignominy. It’s a matter of indignation to see women being crushed to pulp in a nation which deifies women. All the more India is homophobic too. We normally tend to think that homosexuality is against Indian culture. Ruth Vanita through her book “Same-sex Love in India” nullifies this argument and corroborates the fact that homosexuality was indeed practiced in India. No domain could be left scot free; Society, church and academia continue to perpetuate and legitimize gender based violence both in overt and covert forms. For such a time as this it becomes imperative to educate the masses about th...