Be the Miracle

Miracle is the most misconstrued concept of our times. The lack of proper appropriation of this term has led to several contestations which have eventually sullied its essence. Miracle is usually attributed to supernaturalism. Traversing the Biblical text we see the word ‘Miracle’ has more to do with ‘Unconventionalism’; something that which disrupts and poses a threat to the prevailing dominant order or status quo. When ‘Alternatives’ and counter discursive arenas are proposed, it qualifies to be termed as ‘Miracle’. The gospel portion set apart for today according the Syrian Orthodox Almanac is St. Mark 2: 1-12 wherein which Jesus heals the paralyzed man in an unconventional form of forgiveness and initiates a Miracle.

Miracles are not about transcending the laws of nature. I would define Miracle as the revelation of possibilities in the practical life. According to Jewish theology, illness or disease was the consequence of sin(s) and the only cure was forgiveness of sins which Jews believed was the sheer prerogative of God. There are studies which expose that this paralyzed man was a victim of fatalism. Fatalism finds its expressions in the statements like ‘Nothing could be done about it’; ‘There is no hope’; ‘You cannot change the world’ etc. This paralyzed man was indoctrinated with the fatalistic ideology that he was a sinner and it was consequently this augmented guilt conscious which paralyzed him. Jesus executes an uncoventionalism by absolving the sins of the paralyzed man thereby healing him. The Greek word employed here for forgiveness is ‘aphiemi’ which means to release or liberate. Jesus liberated this man from the bondages of fatalistic guilt complex which served as an impediment for him to walk.

At this juncture I find it imperative to make a stark contrast between ‘curing’ and ‘healing’. As per the Biblical rhetoric, Curing is retrieving the health of a person rather healing is reaffirming the social space and dignity of a person. Jesus ‘healed’ the paralyzed man and not only ‘cured’ him. This ‘healing’ act of Jesus is what amazed the crowd. If we read the parallel reference of this incident narrated in St. Matthew 9:2-8 we see that the crowd marvelled not because such powers (power to forgive) had been given to Jesus but because such powers had been given to human beings (Mt 9:8).

The Biblical concept of Miracle is much wider than we have ever conceived. Albert Nolan in his classic book ‘Jesus before Christianity’ beautifully remarks, A miracle in the Bible is an unusual event which has been understood as an unusual act of God, a mighty work. Certain acts of God are called miracles or wonders because of their ability to make us marvel and wonder. Thus creation is a miracle, grace is a miracle, the growth of an enormous mustard tree from a tiny seed is a miracle, the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt was a miracle and the kingdom of God will be a miracle. The world is full of miracles for those who have eyes to see them.”

Miracles are not only confined to events or acts rather personalities could themselves be Miracles. Rumi, the Islam poet and theologian penned “The miracle of Jesus is himself, not what he said or did about the future. Forget the future. I’d worship someone who could do that.” The people who have made and continue to make substantial changes in the world; those who have revealed and reveal alternate possibilities for the life to move on, are miracles themselves. This lent let us try to become miracles to others. Our one smile, one word, one gesture, one hug, one kiss, one act could probably open the possibilities for others to move on in life.

I conclude with a story.

There was a family comprising of a father, mother and a little daughter. The man did not have a viable job as of such but the family survived with the paltry income of the man. The man had a habit of reading four newspapers a day and accumulating the same. Few years passed by and all of a sudden this man died. The mother and child had no idea how to survive. In fact the mother was so traumatized that she would not even speak to her daughter. One fine day the daughter came up to her mother and said “Mom, my Dad has accumulated lot of newspapers; why cannot we make paper bags to earn our livelihood?” That question triggered a ray of hope in her mother and the family survived. In this story the child is a miracle as she revealed the possibility to move on in life.

Let us pray
Surprising God, amaze us constantly with unconventional events and persons so that we could identify and eventually become miracles to the word like your son Jesus. For Christ’s sake we pray. Amen

Dn. Basil Paul



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